
Zemeng Han

Unity Developer

About Me

I am a Unity developer with multiple published games. I am fascinated with computational geometry and, as a result, have published tools on mesh manipulation. One can find my games and tools in the Project section of this page.

Work Experience

January 2023 - Present
Gaucho Game Lab

Tech Lead

  • Served as the tech lead in an indie game studio (using Unity, of course) of around 5 people.
  • Implemented unit logic, designed levels, documented the code, debugged the game, reviewed pull requests, and organized meetings.
January 2024 - March 2024

Computer Science Instructor

  • Provided online teaching services to CS students in University of Wisconsin and University of Sydney.
  • Croved a wide range of topics including algorithm design, data structure, regular expression.
  • Zero negative reviews from students; greatly boosted their grades.

Tech Stack

  • Unity
  • C#
  • C++
  • GitHub


Grid Merge

A puzzle game about city planning. Playable in browser.


A horror game about escaping a haunted house.

Mesh Slicer Free

A Unity package for slicing meshes. Able to handle any piecewise-linear complex that forms a closed volume.


  • BS in Computer Science
    University of California, Santa Barbara
    2020 - 2023

Soft Skills

  • Leadership
  • Public Speaking
  • Problem-Solving
  • Punctuality
  • Project Management